New year, new habits: The brushing apps that help kids brush their teeth right (and keep them for life)

The start of a new year is often the point at which we pause and set goals. For many of us the goals relate to unhealthy habits we want to kick or new ones we want to create.But parents shouldn’t have a monopoly on setting goals. If we share our approach with kids, they can … Continued

Orthodontist or dentist: Who is best for your orthodontic treatment?

If you think you or your child might need braces, a question that may cross your mind is: Orthodontist or dentist: Who is best for orthodontic treatment? I’m not surprised people feel confused about the difference between an orthodontist and dentist. If you’ve never given it much thought making a distinction between orthodontists and dentists … Continued

SO Smile! Book of the week

Here you can listen to my radio interview where I discuss my new book, SO Smile!  

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